Let's make the contradictions fall in love.
Your love for coffee unsettling
with me preferring tea.
Your love for long drives unsettling
with my choice for candle light dinners.
Your love for suspense thriller and my for romance.
Your this and my that.
Bullying and laughing at each other's choice.
Trying hardest way possible to prove
I am the best, and you the least.
I being me and you you.
Where expression of love is an 'I hate you'.
Unsettled, yet being highly occupied by love.
Let's unfold our dissimilarities together
and create a world rare, but beautiful,
where unselltlements are the ones most blissful.
Where you are the sun, and I be the rain, utterly distinct,
yet together forming a rainbow flamboyant.
Let's celebrate oneness with beautiful differences.
Come, unsettle with me.