Mental Health is important. You are important.

Just a remainder :
If you are having one of those days, standing in front of the window, where you are feeling insignificant, small and worthless. If your mind is starting to play tricks on you again, where you are apologizing to yourself for your own existence; just remember, that there were days where standing on this very same place, you thought the same thing you are thinking now. When you didn't think you would survive, but you did. You woke up in the morning, you pushed yourself through the mess. You are strong enough to fight back again, keep fighting, for the tiny voice that kept you holding for so long. Don't disappoint your soul which knows you are meant for far more than this sadness and pain you are feeling. There are ups and downs, keep swinging. You have been to this place many times before, but you fought your way out of the dark and you still will. You are here because you are evolving and evolving always involves eliminating. Accept it. Accept your flaws, accept your being. You are worth more than you think. You are just enough.
Believe in yourself.

- Rupa

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