Birth Anniversary of Dr. Kalam

Salaam, Kalam!!

A true son of the country he was, 
a righteous beyond caste. 
In a world full of duplicity,
he was a person with a transparent personality.
A lamp of knowledge he was considered,
great visionary words he delivered. 
He made India, a nuclear state, 
by giving the country missiles so great. 
In the midst of the corrupt society and politics so dirty, 
he was a person with a childlike simplicity. 
His dream was of a developed nation, 
to a million of youths, he was the only inspiration.
Now he is gone, in memories he settled, 
forever he'll be remembered, 
for he was not less than the precious emerald.
From a distant land,
our dearest Kalam, 
We pay you a heartfelt Salaam !!

- Rupa

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